Zouk trip a.k.a #clubbing

Two Fridays ago, I was allowed to experience how it was like to club. I know what you’re thinking, 23 years old and you’ve only gone clubbing once in your entire life? See the thing is, I was never the kind of child whom the parents would allow to go clubbing. They thought it was…

#PA #PersonalAssistant #JobSearch

Hello! How was Christmas for err’body? LOL. Once again, I have survived the festive season by reading my book. I went down to SS2 PJ Starbucks on Christmas night just to find a quiet corner, listen to my music as I attempt to finish off Devil Wears Prada. Yes, I know I’m kinda late but…

Throwback Thursday: My 22nd Birthday Dinner

    I promised a #tbt post but I was late to get to it because I had certain matters to take care of. But this is a very special post to me and I’m risking a lot putting my face up here and talking about my past LOL. Last Thursday was my 22nd birthday,…

Sui He finally earns her wings!

Hi guys! Over the weekend, I’ve been rather anxious and excited for the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (VSFS). For those of you who don’t know, the fashion show is an annual tv program that features some of the world’s hottest, most drop dead gorgeous and prettiest angels strutting in sexy lingerie and showcasing the…

What I do in my free time.

It’s Friday and I’m off for the day, so I figured I’d throw another post down here. Usually, when it’s an off day from lectures, I’m either out with a group of friends (like yesterday), shopping, casual gymming or I just spend time playing League of Legends, updating Facebook on an hourly basis or just…